Ok, so I see the last time I updated was in June. I was in a play at a theatre in NYC called The Flea. While I was doing that play I was cast in another independently produced play called 'Anthropology of a Book Club' where I played Zora Neale Hurston!!!!!…I then went home to Los Angeles for 10 days and while I was there, was cast in a third play at the Workshop Theatre Company called IYOM which just closed about a week ago. In IYOM I played a Nigerian mother to a very rambunctious daughter Zaki…so….I have been working…and the stuttering ups and downs have been many. But man, I tell you, facing your fears…conquering them, then going on to the next project with more confidence and strength feels like a million bucks.
So within the past 5 months I completed 3 full productions…as someone who once had it in her mind that my speech will keep me from fulfilling my passion as an actor in life…I feel amazing. I guess what is next on the list is finding an agent. Its so difficult to find an agent…both in NYC and LA…and whoever I eventually end up working with has to be someone who sees past what could be thought of as a flaw or a hindrance and see it as a reason to represent me in this industry…thats the hard part, I know it may take time to find that person, but all I can do is continue doing the best work I can do.
This is the choice I made…I'm proud of it…I missed you guys, I hope you are all great out there…ok Im going back to prepping for this audition…stay blessed.