I know that I havnt updated this blog in 2 months or so, creating quality videos takes a lot of time, and Im really falling in love with the creative process, so Im so sorry for my neglect. However, a lot of things have been going on in my mind lately. There has been a change in my thinking and the way I am approaching things with myself. It seems to be more productive. I feel like this new place will help me find where i am suppose to be in this world. I am forcing myself to step out of my comfort zone without abandon, and i plan to get even better at it. I still have moments of shame but they are shorter lived and much easier to recover from. I recently joined Toastmasters, a group of people that meet up weekly or so, to become better at public speaking. I was really embraced when I walked in, A speech coach offered to mentor me. Its cool, so Im excited to begin that, and there are a lot of other things happening right now that excite me as well. Im feeling good, but making sure to maintain my spiritual practice. I now see how important consistency is. Not to say that I won't fall off the bandwagon again, but i will at least recognize my misplaced footing much sooner. The people in my life that are there to do good are becoming increasingly more recognizable, allowing me to release myself from those with ill intent. Its a new womanhood, I like it, its adult, its sensual, its confident, its very me. And I like her.