Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 32 #100TerrifyingDays

So today I traversed the streets of Yafo, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem...I had the best time ever! The day started out with me leaving my hostel, taking a twenty minute walk to the bus station...on my way I met a fellow named Emannuele, this was perfect timing because i was beginning to doubt that i was on the right path, after walking for 20 minutes by yourself in a foreign country, with signs that you cant read, and streets spelled differently than whats written on the map, you begin to really question yourself. Emanuelle is a Nigerian that plays on the Tel Aviv basketball team, and kindly walked me to my bus, insisted that he paid my way...and that we hang out tonight...we will see about that.

I took the bus to Jerusalem where I met Eytan, a stutterer who lives in Tel Aviv and is all about the self acceptance movement. We hung out in the Old City, it was cool, I got to see a lot of the streets and actual buildings and walls that I read about in the Bible as a child, as well as walking through all of the markets. I then got together with Uri Schneider, the speech pathologist who was apart of planning this whole trip to Israel, we did a challenge where walked up to some Israeli soldiers, while they were charging their phone and they taught me how to say their name, and i taught them how to say mines. I have all this on camera, I will post it on a vlog in the future.

And the big finale to this day was the Q and A that Uri and Hannon...both stutterers in Israel put together, where I spoke to a group speech pathologist and stutterers about my Stuttergirl videos, we created a real dialogue about acceptance and the psychological aspect of stuttering, overcoming doubt and bringing about change, it was life changing. To be in a room all of these people with the same outlook, or trying to understand my was more than I ever could have asked for and far more than I ever would have imagined, when I first began these videos a few months ago. I hope to continue this dialogue around the world, ive met some inspiring people and they encourage me to be better. Thats all for now, im going to rest, i have another speaking engagement tomorrow...and I cant wait.

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